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What Are the Benefits of Honey Water?

Healthy, flavourful, and incredibly sweet – honey on it’s own has many proven health benefits.  Combining honey with water not only makes it a refreshing drink but also retains all those amazing health benefits. Honey water is known to have antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help you fight off many diseases as well as give an extra kick to your usual glass of water.

How much honey and the type you add to your water is up to you and to your taste. We normally suggest anywhere from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon in a glass is a perfect amount.

Now, let us take a look at how beneficial combining honey with warm water can be for you to add to your daily routines.

1. Helps Weight Loss

Honey water is one of the most tried and tested ways to get rid of excess body weight. It helps in boosting your metabolism while filling up your stomach to make you feel fuller. This is extremely effective in losing those extra kilos.

Honey water also speeds up the burning up of fat in the body by keeping it duly hydrated. Just add a bit of lemon in your honey water and drink it with an empty stomach in the morning to see amazing results.

2. Improves Digestion

Honey water can be instrumental when you have an upset stomach. People who suffer from indigestion can drink honey water before their meals to help their digestive system. It regulates bowel movements and helps reduce any acidity in the stomach due to its antiseptic properties. It can also help you stay regular.

3. Boosts Immunity

The antimicrobial properties of honey, particularly Manuka Honey, make honey water very effective in strengthening your immune system. It can help fight off harmful bacteria and germs responsible for causing various diseases. Moreover, honey water can be a good source of enzymes, minerals, and vitamins that are required by our bodies to function properly.

4. Reduces Allergies

Honey water also has anti-allergic properties that make it an effective home remedy for those nasty allergies. Unlike allergy medication, honey water works by helping your body acclimatize to the allergens such as pollen. They don’t just help in reducing their symptoms but make your body less susceptible to the allergens in your environment. Ultimately, it also reduces your chances of getting allergy symptoms.

5. Provides Energy

Dehydration can cause you to feel lazy, tired, and sluggish, which can also impact your mood. Honey water is a great way to keep your body hydrated, which ultimately gives a boost to your energy levels. Honey is an incredible source for getting your carbohydrates and essential sugars to keep you active throughout the day. Every morning, you can ditch your caffeinated drinks for honey water to keep you up and running.

6. Relieves Sore Throats and Coughs

The most common home remedy for sore throat and irritating coughs is drinking a glass of warm water with honey. It has been proven to heal your sore throat and reduce any inflammation that may be causing pain. The result is a soothing effect when you sip down on honey water. It also helps in relieving respiratory infections and is especially useful for children.

7. Detoxifies Your Body

Drinking honey water regularly can help your body flush out all the toxic substances in your blood due to its anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties. It will help your skin glow and brighten up your complexion. It stimulates your liver and helps remove any toxins stored in the body to improve your health overall.

You can explore the benefits of honey water by trying it yourself.

Disclaimer: We are not doctors; you should always seek the advice of a medical expert before commencing any treatment. We simply know the quality of AB’s Honey products are the bee’s knees in terms of quality, taste and consistency.

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